
AllowxcodetostartacustomdebugserverwithrootprivilegestodebugiOSapps.Currentlyonlytestedonthefollowingjailbrokendevices:iPhone6s14.2 ...,2019年11月20日—由於蘋果伺服器改變機制,導致不少用戶使用CydiaImpactor來重簽時,就會出現「PleaseupdatetoXcode7.3orlatertocontinuedevelopingwith ...,最近這陣子有不少使用CydiaImpactor用戶要安裝ipa時,都會顯示file:provision.cpp;line:81;what:ios/listDevices=3018「Pl...


Allow xcode to start a custom debugserver with root privileges to debug iOS apps. Currently only tested on the following jailbroken devices: iPhone 6s 14.2 ...

Saurik預計在12月將會替Cydia Impactor更新,修正Xcode ...

2019年11月20日 — 由於蘋果伺服器改變機制,導致不少用戶使用Cydia Impactor來重簽時,就會出現「Please update to Xcode 7.3 or later to continue developing with ...

解決Cydia Impactor顯示Please update to Xcode 7.3 or later ...

最近這陣子有不少使用Cydia Impactor 用戶要安裝ipa 時,都會顯示file: provision.cpp; line: 81; what: ios/listDevices=3018「Please update to Xcode 7.3 or later ...

How to Create a Cydia repo with Apple's Xcode - Objective

2010年9月30日 — In this clip, you'll learn how to create a Cydia repo of an iOS app with Xcode. Whether you're new to the Objective-C operating language and ...

How to build & deploy tweaks to Cydia on Jailbroken iOS ...

2016年3月28日 — How to Create Cydia Apps and How to deploy the App to the Cydia App store? ... You can use Xcode, make your app, then you just pack it in a .deb ...

How Do I compile a xcode project for cydia

2012年10月27日 — You need to create a repo or send them to MMi's collection. To make a repo: here or here. upload to modmyrepo : at modmyi.

How to side

2020年5月27日 — Installing a side-loadable jailbreak app with Xcode · 1) Launch Xcode and click the Create a new Xcode project button in the startup window: · 2 ...

[Question] Is it possible to install Cydia on the iOS emulator?

2016年1月24日 — I was wondering if it's possible to install Cydia on the emulator that comes with Xcode?

[Tutorial] Install unc0ver with Xcode Guide

2019年12月1日 — [Tutorial] Install unc0ver with Xcode Guide - easy to follow. Tutorial.

Paint.NET 5.1.2 號稱免費的 Photoshop 精簡版

Paint.NET 5.1.2 號稱免費的 Photoshop 精簡版
